Susan James
Personal Healing Sessions
Psychotherapy & Energy Healing
Clients come to me to restore balance, direction, clarity, peace, well-being and happiness in their life and relationships. Each session is unique to the individual and I am guided to the type of healing needed. Sessions may involve energy clearing and re-balancing, shared insight, and information about the underlying causes of their present state of being and the way forward. I work with people's present physical, emotional, mental and spiritual states of being. They have a lot to tell us about what and how we are manifesting within ourselves and where we need to go, to restore wellbeing, peace and happiness in our life.
Transformative Genome Healing
An amazingly simple and direct way of recovering and transforming past and intergenerational hurts, traumas and beliefs still energetically held within the body and subconsciously sabotaging or affecting you in the present. Providing, deep and lasting emotional healing, self understanding and empowerment; you will be amazed and inspired by the magnificent Being that you are.
Sound & Energy Healing
I use sound, voice and direct energy transmission to clear, re-balance and raise the energetic vibration within our subtle energy fields. A deeply relaxing and uplifting experience of being bathed in primordial sounds, bringing the mind, body, heart and spirit into alignment with our deepest truth and innate wisdom. Each healing session is received through me for you.
Shamanic Journeying
This is sacred journey work which takes us beyond the self into sacred space and time beyond the physical. A spiritual healing journey for vision, guidance and healing.
Spiritual Healing Ceremonies for people, property and the Earth
Ceremony and ritual act as powerful catalysts for change, healing and empowered action. They allow us to acknowledge and honour the present situation and symbolically embody the change we're ready to make, moving us effortlessly into new ways of thinking, being and acting. They offer a profoundly transformative experience, which participants find inspiring, moving , healing and very empowering. Ceremonies I have co-created with people include: Ceremonies of Initiation; Relationship and Timeline Healing; Blessing Ceremonies for people, homes, organisations and land; Naming ceremonies, Clearing ceremonies; Rites of Passage and Soul Retrieval.
Chakra Balance Massage
One of the most beautiful healing systems I have encountered working directly with the subtle energy fields (or light body), within and around the body is a Chakra Balance Massage using Aura Soma.
Aura means Light and Soma means Body. This massage uses combined essences of plants, crystals and colour rays specifically created for healing our own Light Body, calling in the consciousness of Light as we move through each of our chakras, letting go of that which is no longer needed and bringing in the gifts which each chakra offers. A profoundly nurturing, enlightening and empowering experience, which others have experienced as "An anointing of the body" and "Like dancing with the angels".
Sacred Earth Healing Ceremonies
These ceremonies are Sacred Healing Ceremonies uniquely gifted for the healing of the Earth now. They are directly co-created with the Earth and Spirit, to purify and heal areas of the Earth which have been polluted or contaminated by humans and to seed the consciousness of love and care for the earth and all her inhabitants. These ceremonies were gifted to myself and colleague and friend, Diane Trotter, through visioning and shamanic journeying in co-creation with the Earth over a ten year period.
The Earth is calling us all now to come together in Ceremony to dance, walk and experience a new rhythm and vibration within ourselves and the land - one of care, love, healing and joy.
If you are called to sponsor us to bring healing to your community and area of the earth please phone us to discuss how we may best arrange this.
I gratefully share some of my client's healing experiences, as they beautifully express the essence of the healing practices I offer.
"Susan anchored me back to myself during a very traumatic time and as a result I was able to find freedom and navigate onward in ways unimaginable to me. Her work has had a most profound and lasting effect. It is both subtle and powerful. The change for me happened not by a dramatic light bulb moment in the mind but instead by a natural, true and lasting internal shift. I consider myself deeply fortunate to have experienced Susan's work as it is lasting and profound -it is life changing." T Mijak
"... The work at the last last appointment is still working...on it's a clock that doesn't need winding...the weight is gone and it feels really really good Susan, again, thank you." T. Miyak
"You are a gifted healer...I remember being awestruck by your sacred sound went straight to my heart". G Robertson
"Susan has done some amazing work with us. She led a drumming-healing ceremony at our rural property, helped with the last week of my mother's passing with a very sensitive ceremony honouring my mother's life and assisting with her transition.She also performed a personal healing session for us both.
Susan works with sensitivity, honour and a profound energetic presence. Her work is giving much needed healing to the earth and she is helping people on their journeys. Her understanding is deep and she brings an intelligence and focus to her work. Susan is in touch with the mystery and we feel privileged to know her. We would recommend Susan's work to anyone who requires contact with the subtle energies, the earth spirit and universal intelligence." K & M Roberts.
"My life has been one of much trauma and struggle, from childhood. I used conventional therapies for many years in dealing with my past. I've come a long way over the years but was still triggered by certain events and could easily become anxious, stressed and fearful, which for me often presented as anger. Peace was what I was searching for most. I was tired of my own story.
I have had several shamanic healing sessions with Susan, all of which were beautifully done with grace, poise and dignity.
She honours the light of the soul within. I recently found myself caught in a nervous agitated state, that I couldn't escape. I called Susan and she suggested a Genome Healing Session over the phone as she has now moved from Tasmania to WA. I hadn't ever had a Genome Healing before.
Of all the energy/spiritual/holistic practices I have ever experienced over many years, this was the most amazing experience I have had. By the end of the session I felt lighter, softer, and honestly couldn't remember what I had been upset about ...ever! I felt a peacefulness inside that was unlike anything I have ever felt. I've had a smile on my face and a feeling of complete contentment ever since. The beauty of Genome trauma healing is that you don't need to go into the story to heal it. Susan works through the body's energies, cuts ties to past trauma and like magic you feel amazing. I highly recommend anyone searching for inner peace, balance and alignment to give her a call, she truly works.
Since the healing whenever I catch myself thinking of something negative from the past it's it's like a magic wand waves over me and it's gone, like it never existed.Susan is a gifted healer sent from above." A Lane
And some spontaneous comments post healing sessions....
"... you are a national treasure". Shamanic Energy Clearing
"...thank you for giving me hope." Counselling Session
"... I can see why you re good at your job, you have a unique ability to grasp the whole picture and all contributing aspects of my situation clearly and immediately". Leadership Mentoring. R Scott.
" have been mentor and teacher to me and I will miss you greatly". P Stones.
"...even as you were talking to me about your work, I felt transported to another place". Professional Colleague.
My heartfelt thanks to all those above who bravely and generously shared their experiences.
It is my hope that their words may also validate your own present struggles, and that they are part of our evolutionary pathways moving us closer to the beauty of who we truly are.